
 *English follows Japanese.


◆港区に住んでいない人も 申し込めますか。
港区で働いている人、港区にある学校に行っている人は 申し込むことができます。

申し込んだら 必ず受講できますか。
申し込みの後 日本語がどのくらいできるか 確認します。クラスのレベルに合わない人は受講できません。申し込みが多い場合は 受講する人を 抽選で決めます。

受講料は いくらですか。
どのクラスも 1,000円です。受講が決まったらお金を払います。途中でやめても 返金はしません。

◆教室の場所は どこですか。

テキストは 何を使いますか。
港区のテキスト『はなそう!みなとにほんご』を使います。クラスに参加する人は テキストをもらえます。

子どもは 申し込めますか。
18歳以上の人が 申し込むことができます。

◆クラスに 子どもを 連れていくことは できますか

6か月後に 自分の国に帰ります。申し込めますか。

休むときは 必ず連絡してください。
連絡しないで2回休んだときは 受講できなくなります。

自分の 日本語レベルが わかりません。どのクラスに 申し込めばいいですか?
Step1は 日本語を はじめて勉強する人のための クラスです。
Step2は 日本語を 少し勉強したことがある人のための クラスです。
申し込みをした後で 日本語がどのくらいできるか 確認します。

オンライン授業のとき 何が必要ですか。
自分のパソコン、タブレット、スマートフォンのどれかを使って 参加してください。
インターネット環境と マイク・スピーカー・カメラが必要です。
申し込みの後 日本語がどのくらいできるか 確認するときも 同じものが必要です。






港区に住んでいない人も 申し込めますか。

申し込んだら 必ず参加できますか。


◆サロンの場所は どこですか。 
土曜日サロンは、六本木中学校 [港区六本木6-8-16] です。



全部の日程に参加できない方も 申し込みできますが、欠席する場合は事前に連絡してください。


About the Japanese classes

◆Can people who do not live in Minato City apply for the classes?
Those who work or study in Minato City can apply as well.

◆Will I be accepted for sure if I apply? 
You will have your Japanese level-check interview after you apply.  Those who do not fit the class level will not be able to take the classes. If we receive more applications than seats, the participants will be chosen by lottery.

How much is the fees? 
All Class fees are 1,000 yen each. You will pay the fee once you are accepted. There will be no refund afterward. 

What textbooks do you use for the classes?
We will use the original textbook "Let's talk! Minato Nihongo" developed by Minato City. You will be provided the book at the class.

Can children take classes?
Children cannot apply for the classes. Those who are 18 years old or over can take the classes.

Can I take my children to the class?
Childcare service for preschool children is available.  If you need the service, please contact.

I will return to my country after six months.  Can I apply for the classes?
We are afraid that you cannot.  Only those who plan to stay in Japan for at least one year from now can apply.

I might be absent from the class due to work.  Can I still apply for the class?
Please be sure to inform us when you cannot attend  the class. You will not be able to continue the course if you are absent from the class twice without notice.

I am not sure my Japanese level.  Which class is suitable for me?
Step 1 is for those who will study Japanese for the first time. Step 2 is for those who have studied some Japanese. You will have an online interview to check your Japanese level after you apply.
If you want to apply for the Step 2 class, please check the text below. If you know the grammar and expressions through Unit 7, you can apply for this class.
What do I need for the online classes?
Please use your PC, tablet, or smartphone to connect to the internet for the classes.  A microphone, speaker, and camera are necessary as well. You will also need the same environment for your Japanese level-check interview.

Can I apply for both 3-Month and 4-Month Classes?
You cannot apply for both. Please choose either one of the classes

◆Will you remind me by email when the application process is about to start?
We are afraid that we do not remind by e-mail for the new application process. Please check this website.
I could not make an appication this time.Can I be added to the waiting list?
We are afraid that we do not have a waiting list for the Japanese classes. Please apply again when the application opens next time.
◆Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?
We are afraid that we do not issue official certificates.

About the Nihongo salon

Can people who live outside Minato City apply? 
Yes, they can.

◆Will I be accepted for sure if I apply? 
If we receive too many applications, the participants will be chosen by lottery.
Application may be closed even within the application period in such a case.

Do I need to pay for participation?
No. It is free of charge.

How much Japanese proficiency is required to participate the Salons?
People who can talk in Japanese a little can participate.

◆I am a beginner in Japanese (I have never studied Japanese before). Can I apply for the Salon?
Since the Nihongo Salon is a place where people speak mainly in Japanese, people who do not understand Japanese at all may find it a little difficult to join. If you are concerned about your level, please consult with MIA beforehand.

I cannot participate all the dates scheduled. Can I still apply for the Salon?
You can apply even if you cannot participate in all the dates scheduled. However, we would like you to tell us the dates you will not be able to participate in advance.

港区国際交流協会(みなとく こくさい こうりゅう きょうかい)
Minato International Association(MIA)